Mini Intro

Who is Ashlie Nicole?

So I've decided (per the inspiration of my mother) that I am going to join the United States Navy. I just recently graduated from Guilford College in Greensboro, NC on May 8th of this year with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in English. What can you do with a degree in English? Most people immediately think of teaching. Me? I want to be a Nurse Practitioner. (Say what?) Yeah. My concentration was in Integrated Science, so my education truly was well-rounded. At least I'll know how to communicate effectively. I also feel that admitting that I graduated with a degree in English automatically requires me to be able to write a particular way. There's too much pressure. So this blog is pretty much going to be written similar to my own everyday speech. (But Ashlie, you're supposed to write the way you speak anyway!) Right.

I didn't always want to be a nurse. I scoured the gamut of types of physicians, cardiologists, oncologists, even microbiologists. It wasn't until I started reading more on  patient-doctor relationships and talking to neighbors and friends about their own patient-docotor relationships that I stumbled upon Nurse Practitioners. So what there's a pay difference--it's not about the money. It's never been about the money. I just want to be able to make a good living--by good I mean not in debted to anyone and able to pay my bills on time. But I still need to ensure that I can pay back loans for Guilford College and ensure that I can afford a nursing degree either at Winston Salem State University or University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. My health insurance is gone, so I need to get that too. The Navy can help me achieve my goal, and I can make a career out of it, solidifying a pension after 20 years of service. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm going active duty?


I haven't seen much on youtube or anywhere else on the internet about black women in the Navy or black women embarking on becoming a sailor. There are so many questions unanswered, and I've been told not to fully trust everything the recruiters say...So I want to record everything I do in preparation for the ASVAB and for Basic Training in Great Lakes, IL. It's a road to travel, but I'd like to take you along on the journey. Maybe my story too can inspire someone else who may be having thoughts about joining the Navy, or any military branch. Currently I'm overweight for the Navy requirements. I just joined Planet Fitness and I've hooked up with a personal trainer's fitness bootcamp, so I plan to lose at least 10 pounds, hopefully more so that I'll be in better shape for Basic Training. I also plan to start a new healthier lifestyle, which involves eating better and staying active. I've also read on numerous websites that learning the ranks and insignias of all the branches of the Armed Forces is an excellent idea (makes for easier studying at Basic Training). I also have to cut my hair to about neck length before going in. I'd rather get it done before going in (that's what many women online suggest). This is about it for now. I plan to keep up with the blog pretty regularly, not exactly sure how regularly yet. I'll post photos of my progress (what I ate, what exercises I did, how many times I banged my head into the wall, etc.) just to get a closer glimpse into my world, and so you can see how determined and focused I am about taking this on. EYES ON THE PRIZE, BABY!

Some food for thought:

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3